Sable and Quill Brushes

For lettering, watercolor, acrylic, and oil painting.

Kolinsky sable brushes are a great choice for detail work due to the fineness of the bristles. These finest quality brushes will hold a decent amount of paint, facilitate a smooth stroke, and won’t split or shed.

Detail brushes. Pure Sable Hair.

Kolinsky Sable Brushes

Sable Pointed Quill

 Kolinsky Sable Brushes

Sable 530

Kolinsky Sable Brush #530 are are made of Pure Red Sable Hair. Detail Brush - Selected Kolinsky - Black Varnish Handle. Made in Germany.

In Stock

Red Sable Hair

530/00 $ 9.00
Artist Brush, 0.9mm # 00, Kolinsky Sable
530/0 $ 9.00
Artist Brush, 1mm # 0, Kolinsky Sable
530/1 $ 10.00
Artist Brush, 1.25mm # 1, Kolinsky Sable
530/2 $ 12.00
Artist Brush, 1.75mm # 2, Kolinsky Sable
530/3 $ 14.50
Artist Brush, 2.2mm # 3, Kolinsky Sable
530/4 $ 19.00
Artist Brush, 2.75mm # 4, Kolinsky Sable

Quill Brushes

Quill 393 - Sable Pointed Quill

Quill Brush #393 Very pointed sable brush - are made in France. They have Raw Wood Handle. Available in various sizes. Quill Lettering Brushes for Hand Lettering Signs. Quill Lettering Brushes are best suited for working on smooth surfaces such as glass and metal.

In Stock

393/8 $ 21.00
Pointed Sable Quill, 1.5mm #8
393/6 $ 25.00
Pointed Sable Quill, 2.8mm #6
393/4 $ 29.00
Pointed Sable Quill, 3.7mm #4
393/2 $ 38.50
Pointed Sable Quill, 4.5mm #2

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